Palliative Care providers in well-resourced countries often have little appreciation of the challenges faced by colleagues practising in low-resourced areas. Before we can teach and recommend practice change, we need to understand more about the conditions in which palliative care is being implemented around the globe. Project Hamrahi is a means of sharing knowledge, experience and fellowship for both mentors and mentees.

In 2010, APLI joined with Pallium India to establish Project Hamrahi (“Hamrahi” is Hindi for ‘fellow traveller”)

Hamrahi is a collaboration to establish links between palliative care doctor/nurse teams from Australia and new teams in India. It aims to support the development of fledgling palliative care services in India. Volunteers are given the opportunity to work in a different culture and better understand the challenges faced by colleagues in those countries. It strengthens regional relationships and enriches practice in both linked countries.

Project Hamrahi received a grant from the Australia India Council in 2011 but is largely supported by donations from APLI members and friends.

How to become a mentor

APLI mentors are palliative care providers (doctors, nurses, allied health, pharmacy) with extensive experience in clinical care, teaching, leadership and team work. Mentors may have had previous experience in providing cross-cultural education in low resources countries and be able to take responsibility for their safety during travel. An openness to learn from their mentees is another key requirement. They provide a bio explaining their reason for volunteering.
Mentors commit to at least three 7 day-visits over three years, to their link site.

Within one month of return, mentors submit a report to APLI and Pallium India, which is also shared with the mentee host site. The goal of visits are to establish a respectful relationship, raise the profile of palliative care, teach in both formal and informal settings, and encourage quality improvement. APLI provides a debrief on return.

APLI provides an orientation to new mentors, which includes meeting other mentors, an orientation pack with information about Hamrahi and safe travel, and support for setting up a mentoring link with an Indian palliative care service. APLI also covers the cost of return flights to India, up to $1500.


Membership of APLI is open to health professionals working in or with an interest in palliative care and to friends and supporters of palliative care. Members may wish to support the development of palliative care in the Asia Pacific through fund raising, awareness raising and voluntary activities to support the work of APLI.

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