John Haberecht, 2019
John (centre) with Dr Geeta Joshi (right) and colleague Ahmedabad, Gujurat, February, 2019 I have a nursing background and have worked in palliative care for over 25 years. Clinical experience in the community was with St Vincent’s Home Care,…
Sandra Hawkins, 2019.
Project Hamrahi mentor in Ahmedabad, Gujurat Hi, I'm Sandi For the last ten years I have worked as a Palliative Care Nurse in the community of Wagga Wagga. Previously I was a community nurse and before that as a…
Toni Coleman, 2019
Project Hamrahi mentor in Ahmedabad, Gujurat Hi, I’m Toni and I have been working as a registered nurse in regional NSW for the past 28 years. My nursing career has taken a few twists and turns over the years,…
Survey about palliative care online education in India-BMJ Pall and Supportive Care 2018
Mentoring with APLI
APLI welcomes enquiries about becoming a mentor in Project Hamrahi. More detail about Project Hamrahi and what it means to be a mentor with APLI is found in the attached policy guide. For further information, contact
APLI news 2018 Vol.22, Issue 2
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APLI news 2018 Vol. 22;Issue1
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APLI Forum Webinar 2021
25 May 2021 Evidence + Stories = Advocacy
APLI annual forum September 2018
The forum will be held on 5th September, 2018, at University of Technology, Sydney, 0830 to 1530 Confirmed speakers include Dr Anil Tandon, Assoc. Prof. Odette Spruyt, Dr Brett Sutton, and Ms Joan Ryan. The forum is a chance to…