WPPCAN World Humanitarian Day Workshop, August 19, 2021, 4pm AEST
Providing comfort and continuity in humanitarian crisis: palliative care responses during disaster and pandemic.
Meeting Recording
Third Palliative Care Advocacy Network Meeting for the Western Pacific Region
19th May 2021
@0700 CEST @1300 AWST @1500 AEST @1700 FJT/NZST
18th May 2021 @ 2200 PDT
Organised collaboratively by
APLI, Australia & New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine, International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care,
Palliative Care Australia, Paediatric Palliative Care ANZ, Centre for Humanitarian Leadership
Guest Speaker
Elizabeth Mattfeld
Project Coordinator
Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Unit
Drug Prevention and Health Branch
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
The stark disparities around the world in access and availability of medicines are the focus of the UNODC-WHO-UICC Joint Global Program where Ms. Mattfeld provides technical support at the national level in the area of legislation and policy coherence, capacity building for healthcare workers, and creating a responsive supply chain.
The second global program focuses on the fact that 75% of people in the world do not have access to effective pain medication.
The current complexities of this discussion are reflected in the disparity between developed countries facing epidemic drug use perceived to have its roots in access to and availability of pain medication, while most developing countries are not meeting the needs of patients suffering from cancer. Elizabeth will address these issues in her talk today.
To be added to the mailing list for WPPCAN: info@anzspm.org.au
Second Palliative Care Advocacy Network Meeting for the Western Pacific Region
17th February 2021
@1200 AEDST @1300 FJT @ 1400 NZDST @0900 AWST
16th February 2021 @ 1700 PST
Organised collaboratively by APLI, ANZSPM, IAHPC, PCA, PAPCANZ, CHL
Program includes a presentation by Dr Katherine Pettus on
Making Advocacy Happen! A Practical Overview
and discussion groups with role play opportunity, to consider how to implement recent WHO EB resolution
WHO EB138 on the Highest Attainable Standard of Health for Persons with Disabilities (PWD),
which flags palliative care as a necessary service for PWD.
Palliative Care Advocacy Network for the Western Pacific WHO region
Inaugural meeting, 9th December 2020
@1200 ADST @1300 FJT @0900 AWST @10am KST
@1800 MST on 8th December
Organised collaboratively by APLI, IAHPC, Palliative Care Australia, Paediatric Palliative Care Australia and New Zealand, ANZSPM, and Centre for Humanitarian Leadership
This meeting was held by videoconference with around 40 participants from the WP WHO region, including PNG, Fiji, Philippines, New Zealand and Australia. The workshop was a collaboration between a number of national and international groups, and supported by the IAHPC. The aims were to meet each other and explore the establishment of a palliative care advocacy network for the WP region, and to start to prepare an advocacy agenda for 2021. Thirdly, we aimed to stimulate interest in advocacy and motivate participants to actively engage in advocacy within their own spheres of influence and control. Feedback from participants supported the formation of a network dedicated to advocacy in our region. They wanted a network to facilitate awareness of palliative care through education and training and through sharing of knowledge, assistance with improving government support and funding, to help raise competencies in aspects of effective advocacy, and to build a supportive network across countries which will directly impact on patient care. The network was therefore effectively launched at this meeting. We plan to hold our second meeting on 17/02/2021 and will send out a program and invitation in early January.
Liliana de Lima, ED, IAHPC Katherine Pettus, Advocacy Officer, IAHPC Kate Reed-Cox, NP; Palliative Care Australia