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Gilly Burn’s Palliative Care Teaching / Study tour 2020

If you are planning to attend the Indian Palliative Care Conference in February, 2020, in Assam, you might also be interested in seeing more of India and more of palliative care across India.

This tour is an opportunity to travel with Gilly Burn, an experienced nurse educator and long standing supporter of palliative care development in India. Gilly was one of the first palliative care specialists from the UK to visit India to introduce palliative care concepts and offer training opportunities to the early pioneers of palliative care in India. Her influence in India has been immeasurable.

Nagaland PC







Gilly Burn’s Ethical Serendipity Palliative Care Teaching/Study Tour
17th February – 3rd March 2020
Price: £2,095
Please email this completed form and a photo of your passport data page to:
Alternatively you may post it to:
The Different Travel Company, 4 Downs Park Crescent, Totton, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 9GH

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